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BastardJodie finished Garn47
Saw this by complete chance and oh yeah its wayyyyyyy up my alley, I love you Garn47
I love your warbly pat of butter in a hot skillet movement, I love your pure cerebral cavity inducing little noises, the references I don't understand because im not really a Friday Night Funkin fan(atleast i think thats what some of these moments ingame were about?)
I love how conditionally the camera does diff shit
Car ofc is an icon
Conan is a pretty high roller too
I think the vibe and gamefeel of this is so perfect, and its most double edged sword thing is that even though I found all the main objective collectibles.. I know off of feeling alone that there's probably more, I know that there's some things thatre deeper in there
It's just also i have n o idea what im doing and I feel like looking up ways to see other things would detract from my aimless bumfuck screaming and wandering adventure with the game so I think that itll just be something I circle back around to like a nice hot cup of sweet hot chocolate :) delightfully specific in a way that kisses my heart

3 days ago

BastardJodie completed Garn47

3 days ago

BastardJodie commented on BastardJodie's review of Diddy Kong Racing
no excuse they couldve atleast done something NEW it didnt even have to be with these characters in particular @jillmarie

3 days ago

3 days ago

BastardJodie backloggd Slimes

3 days ago

BastardJodie commented on BastardJodie's review of Firo & Klawd
@FlowerSunAndGram aw ty hun, even reminiscing on this I remember the isometr5ic lvl design bein kinda cool but. pretty clunky and tough

3 days ago

3 days ago

battlehuntz finished Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
I genuinely don’t care man replaying this for the billionth time now that I got the Steam Deck, aka playing it PORTABLY was magical. It’s got jank but I fucking adore it. I think it’s one of the most enduring games ever. Booting it up, getting a few emblems, raising a chao, improving ranks, it’s soul. You don’t have to agree with Shadow but the mob can’t make me love him. He is my brother. We are both dragon energy. I don’t agree with everything anyone says. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to free thought.

4 days ago

battlehuntz finished Aperture Desk Job
It’s literally as rudimentary as a tech demo can get, but the writing and lore are still as quality and fun as ever. It’s neat to realize the Steam Deck has these functions, but that’s really about it. It’s still a fun half hour, but I think it’d have worked better purely as a short than a tech demo at this point.

5 days ago

6 days ago

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