Only done one route so far (Survivor) but damn this game is really good

they just let me review anything now

I haven't got that far but it seems pretty generous compared to other gachas I've played and March 7th is literally me so like it's alright
The gameplay is fun too

I am currently playing it so no full review yet but it's peak I think and I am extremely bad at it

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Haven't 100%'d it yet but it's pretty good. The Splatoon team did a really good job of creating a rougelike out of splatoon and I personally found it extremely enjoyable. It feels really good getting more and more powerful with all the weapons having satisfying potential to get extremely strong. I also found it very well balanced, none of the weapons stood out as particularly weaker than others (though some are definitely on the strong side looking at you blaster) and the chip balance I thought was especially excellent. I've had runs where I used mostly purple chips, blue chips or yellow chips while skipping out on direct damage boosts and all of those runs not only felt winnable but were very fun too. Especially the yellow chip runs I didn't expect the luck based ones to be broken but they are! I also found the enemies fun to fight, they're designed in a way where all builds can be viable against them which rules. Like ink mines are great, I didn't think they would be great in a pve mode but they are! Sprinkler sucks tho </3. I also found all the interactions between the characters really cute they were lovely.

Now for the criticisms, my main one is the lack of variety in the mission objectives. There are a total of five mission objectives, destroy portals which is the most typical one which I always find myself enjoying, turbine tower which is alright but can be a bit annoying on weird map layouts, 8 ball which is fine I guess it's okay, chase the fleeing enemies which is also fine I guess, and splat zones which ranges from really fun to absolute hell on the worse map layouts for it. These modes are all good but they're all that's there, there is map variety but even after a few runs I started to see constant map repeats. I feel like the DLC would benefit greatly from 2-3 more objectives, such as maybe a simple get to the end goal or maybe another mode based on a multiplayer mode like tower control. Maybe, I'm not a game designer these are just random ideas I came up with while writing this. I feel like just a few more objectives would contribute greatly to replayability. Also minibosses could be cool just saying plus a bit more enemy variety.

Also, only 3 bosses isn't great. That contributes to runs feeling samey too since they don't change much between each encounter either. There just isn't much variety in general which sucks for this kind of game.
ANOTHER thing uhhh I thought the story was kinda lame especially compared to octo expansion. My thoughts haven't solidified on it much but it just didn't stand out very much and felt a bit rushed to me if that makes sense. I haven't finished the postgame yet though but I can't see that changing my opinion much.

Overall Side Order is really good but it could be so much better if it had the budget and content of a full game instead of a DLC. There's probably more thoughts I have but I can't remember them right now. If I had to compare it to any other rougelike I've played feel like it's most similar to Hades in how it's structured and plays out.

Great foundation for something good but there are just so many issues and a severe lack in progression. Needs way more time in the oven.

This was an amazing game and pretty much the pinnacle of what a fangame could be
I do have some issues with it, but just for the clear extreme amount of love and care that went into it I don't think I can rate this anything other an 5 stars

Haven't finished it yet but as a huge fan of star control 2 I'd say this game is a solid pretty alright
Not as good but a lot of the modernized elements are great and I really want to see similar things in UQM2 when that eventually comes out like the more interesting hyperspace and the quest log

Pretty fun game but suffers from being an early access game which leads to many missions feeling similar due to a lack of content, would easily rate higher after more updates.
The whole dynamic with one person on coms helping everyone out is super fun and is easily one of the best parts of the game and gives someone who gets scared very easily (like me) something to do and contribute to in a way that's still engaging.
There's nothing quite like dying on comms and then hearing your teammates desperately try calling out your name as they realise "oh fuck they just died" while you can do nothing but watch. Or having to tell your teammates "hey there's a big monster outside of the ship so I'm going to go radio silent" and then desperately trying to avoid being killed while they can only hope that you've made it.

Amazing, beautiful and creative game but has some issues to me like the bosses being kind of lame and a lot of levels being very short

I rated the original 5 stars so I can't put this any lower
Fantastic remake of a fantastic game

I fucking love this game it's so good, only played the campaign tho

I unironically love this piece of shit and think it's fantastic and if you are an internet user that has been in fandom spaces and all that you should read it. It's had such a strange impact on the internet but even beyond that it's just a genuinely good and enjoyable piece of media that can be enjoyed in isolation.

Very outdated but I wouldn't call it bad. To quote some twitter post I saw one time this game wasn't coded, it was selectively bred from a mess of code until a workable game was made
I love how the game is somewhat non-linear