81 reviews liked by fluddsskark

i fucking love arcade games with pure analog sensivity

História muito superior ao Black Ops 2. A missão que toca "Sympathy For The Devil" é incrível.

[only played campaign] somewhat aged gunplay and sometimes its too gray but it's not a huge deal because the story is good enough to carry it. gotta say though, its so morbidly funny to me that this game (in which you spend hours mowing down hundreds upon hundreds of people) feels the need to censor the curse words in the subtitles lmaoo

Ascension 4 20 69 2 9 11 17 38 80 08 13 5 42 86 7 53 0 9 24 25 0 11 34

i have no idea what i'm doing

A really cool, short experience. Really janky but it is memorable. Specially that part where there is an enormous moon with an eye and a nurse says "It is commutable to know that when I look at the sky, there is someone looking back." (or something like that).

It's like Blood in the Hypnospace universe, and just like Hypnospace this game stands out for it's charisma. It really does feel like a game made by a 14 yo edgy kid with 0 self-consciousness and that is just awesome.

2 lists liked by fluddsskark