Bought it for Save the world...
Completely abandoned the campaign for battle royal

Somehow one of the better metroidvanias i've played.
Too bad it's a porn game, definitely guilty pleasure type game.

best backrooms experience, AND doom wad!

THIS, this is peak persona experience.

It's no Jet Set Radio 3, but still definitely give it a go, the price tag is a bit too high though for the hours of content you'll get, I would've waited for a sale

This would be a 5/5 if they didn't abuse IGF system to enter the same game just under a different name

I feel like people give it too much slack despite being a project filled with love. It's not really good but it's always more Portal.
I would say it's still worth giving a shot!

I think Hakita completely forgot about the original purpose of the game, I'm holding Ultrakill to an extremely high standard, since I feel I have been given a completely different game than what I bought. The difference in design between Act 1 and Act 2 is very apparent. Act 2 basically completely removed all semblance of the "Devil May Quake" it promises, the introduction of Whiplash removed all effort in movement, and subsequent nerf just made it worse. I feel like Hakita doesn't really understand how his changes impact the bigger experience, and he cant really know anything since the fanbase praises this game religiously, and think every update is "peak kino" giving creator a big hugbox audience.
I would say avoid it till full game release, meanwhile you could play a game that does Ultrakill better than Ultrakill... like i.e. Turbo Overkill.