5 Reviews liked by fratboydionysus

Our glorious Fire Emblem: Three Houses vs their wicked three hopes. I wrote a longer review but it was honestly so hateful I decided to keep it to myself. Basically she was fix-it fanfiction and I was an 03 fan. Oh well at least sylvain was bisexual

Played this on the release in 2003, but I don't think I ever finished it. But Now I did. It's the best of the three official campaigns. Doom doom doom! :-)

Replayed after maybe 15 or so years after my rose colored nostalgia glasses fell off. Chapter one starts off strong. It's a fetch quest, but the villains involved are pretty awesome, and there are multiple ways to solve the issues and all feel like they work with the game's plot. However, once the chapter ends, it digresses into moments unrelated to the main plot. You have to take the main plot item somewhere across the desert, but you're interrupted twice, and those moments felt really padded out. They detract from the main story and almost felt like they were specifically designed only to add more to the game's length artificially. Also, the person that designed the Tomb of Kel-Garas in the interlude is a sadist.

Didn't really care for the final villain, or her motivations of why she did her plan. Deekin is still one of my favorite characters, though.

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You can convince Hillary Clinton to stop android genocide by making out with your android girlfriend.

Take that as you will.

Crimson Flower is the only route.