9 Reviews liked by frogclown

everyone's in a rush to pump out a social game with live service elements these days so you can bro down with your best friends but not one person has considered the social value of something like left 4 dead 2: blitz through two or three campaigns, spend half of one campaign trying to fuck each other over out of boredom, then spend the next half of the session chatting shit about feelings, opinions, and the state of our lives in the saferoom

makes me feel like an ai artist with all the fucked up hands i'm making

What starts off on a high note with its otherworldly soundtrack, interesting narrative and feeling like you're exploring an alien ocean drags itself to a hault by the third hour. The clunky traversal system means you spend most of the game waiting to get to your destination. And the overwhelming amount of text thrown at you can get super tiresome. It sort of has some survival mechanics but they are easy to manage and ignore. Where they just shouldn't have existed.

I don't like criticizing games that are different like this but this really should have been a book. Or even a visual novel but there is just so little visual storytelling going on. To the point where I skipped large amounts of world building because it was large text info dumps. Which don't really do anything for the marrative and arguably hurts the world building.

Exploring alien oceans is one of the things I enjoy most in gaming but In Other Waters it was mostly exploring the world in my mind and listening to the music. That makes it hard to recommend.

The writing, UI, and audio really help create a sense of atmosphere in what is otherwise a visual novel with very a basic gameplay layer. It was too repetitive and slow for me, but I admire it for what it was trying to do and would love to play a 3D version of this that more fully immersed me in the world and mystery, ala Subnautica.

Persona for people who can talk to women

Cosily written dark fantasy visual novel - recommended if you like that kind of thing. The music is also fantastic, really sets the tone well.

Only shelved because the automatic "Anniversary Update" wiped all my progress about 3/4ths of the way through.

Came for the Mario 64 face manipulation gameplay, stayed for the really interesting presentation and execution. Give this game a try if you haven't, it's a really unique game that is really unique in a fair amount of ways.

whenever i replay this game, no matter how many times ive heard it, i always get excited at the voice line in marthas room