A really well made fan recreation of the original Rayman. Sadly I got to a point of feeling bored with this as it felt like it was dragging on a bit and getting frustratingly annoying with some level design aspects but I feel like thats more down to Rayman 1's design as a whole not really feeling that engaging to me personally.

Made me realise what never clicked with Origins for me though: the artstyle and sense of dreamlike wonder of Rayman 1, which makes me think of Tempo on the 32X or Ristar and other games of the mid 90s that carry that same dreamlike wonder in my eyes, feels so much more interesting and just nice to me than Origins' weird style that just always gave me the vibes of one of those forgettable cartoons that were bad even as a kid but you have to wait for something better to be on. Idk tangent aside I thought this was fun in its first half it just starts to feel repetitive and annoying at times.

IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN (insert bad live service game of choice here). NOT HIM. ITS NOT FAAAIIIRRRRRR.

this can't be good for me but I feel great.

randomly saw this on fightcade and played on a whim at 2am. i am so confused ar everything that just happened but idk. its a neat concept, i probably wont revisit this. not a fan of the mutant Tetrominos though.

- called Mario 64
- on a 32-bit console

Miyamoto you lying fuck...

they weren't lying when they said MIDway developed this (i did not like it)