listen to the song in the trailer and tell me that ain't a banger

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i spent the last part of this game exhausting every possibility for talk i had, trying to explore anything that might still be possible, just to avoid that one inevitable choice, and it made it hurt so much more

delightful little platformer. fairly difficult and very meticulously methodical, any and all carelessness tends to result in immediate death. it's also very short with only four stages, that loop with somewhat increased difficulty.

you definitely need a certain mindset to appreciate it. I think mainly an ability to take the ways you die with a sense of humor. I get that a lot of people get pissed off playing this but this isn't something lol random in the way of something like IWBTG where suddenly something flies in from offscreen and murders you. when you die, it is entirely because you fucked up, you got careless and walked over a ledge, or climbed little bit too far down a rope while precariously setting up a jump, all things within your control. dying becomes this kinda bumbling slapstick, and you may have to be able to laugh at yourself to not get ticked off by that.

absolutely terrible single player combined with a local WLAN fps that can be played with anyone who has a ds regardless of if they have the game, which, back in the mid to late aughts was pretty much everyone. it was good times.

at first I loved it then I went to maniac and learnt how the scoring works and it is made of pain and misery

ok, so this game is jank, it kind of sucks, the visuals are extremely inconsistent, the last act is buggy and broken.

however, I really like the ways in which the paths diverge, and the true final act is incredibly satisfying as as this b-horror conclusion. there's also just so many absolutely ridiculous horror things going on here with little sense to tying it all together and it's just really, really delightful in the most trash horror way

pal psn version of this crashes right after beating the second to last boss and I'm furious

this is a terrible, barely functional version that hangs occasionally on 30 min load times but... goddamn I love this game so much