such a great rpg and a wacky experience overall, i don't know if i can think of a game that has more charm than this one

for being a free class shooter, it's really not that bad. i'm also really good at it so it gets a half star for that

so fucking great but the characters and plot are practically non existent

actually really fun and controls pretty decently

still so fun to boot up once in a while

wubba lubba dub is that true?? yeh
woah! you go big guy!
pose for the fans! AAAAAAA

i mean its bloons, what can i say

fun with friends but can get old really quick

so bad but i have 10 hours in it so

was super fun until i started getting fucked over every mission

literally why are there youtuber skins, im going to puke

more like slender: the departure, this game stinks!