graphics and fatalities all this really has going for it. dlc characters are pretty cool

fun game, ugly colors and the roster is mid. most of the new characters are boring, but the dlc cast is 10/10

best roster, challenge tower is great, nrs needs to figure out what fun is again bc mk x to mk1 don’t compare

this game feels unfinished, sure there’s a whole roster but their combos are limited and there’s no fatalities and no stages. the mini games and custom character are cool tho

it was alright for its time, def had more fun with the xbox mk’s but this one was fun for about a month

amazing soundtrack, fun gameplay, good roster, amazing conquest

it’s cool, but the roster is lame, the costumes are lame, there’s no customization options, micro transactions everywhere, invasions sucks ass. Cool fatalities, intros, first half of story mode, and kameo roster is nice

grappling is awesome in the campaign, multiplayer is pretty fun, just sucks it’s live service and kinda lifeless compared to mcc

it’s alright, clunkiest nrs game by far.

great story, amazing dramatic cutscenes, fun gameplay, best in the series so far. Loved the dynamic between the brothers, Lady is a baddie, and dante is top 5 protagonist oat


I enjoyed walking through the disgusting environments. The ending was insane

The controls suck especially the final boss. Wont be replaying this but it’s good to see the roots of this franchise

It was fun, gets less scary as it goes on. Graphics were great

i like the gameplay more in the kiwani 1, also wtf is up with the frame rate downgrade