You know despite the difficulty, it is very addicting and fulfilling when you finish a mission. soundtrack is killer and the story is surprisingly decent.

Just couldn’t get into it

The gameplay is much better than the first but the levels are not as fun as the first. The story is a little confusing too. Mildly enjoyed this one, excited to try 3 now!

It’s good, the horror aspect is a nice touch, the 2000s aesthetic is in full force. Kinda hate how you can’t shoot on the ground. But i enjoyed my time playing this one.

Much better than inj1, i wish i played it during its prime because the mechanics and characters are cool. The story mode is a huge step up from the previous, however the nrs formula leads to stale moments. especially choosing between two characters YAWN!

Awesome game, definitely recommend it to anyone that likes arcade shooters. Story is short and sweet. But you don’t even have to play it because arcade mode gives hours of gameplay already. Dueling is cool too. If you’re a fan of bulletstorm and Clint Eastwood movies def play this.

It’s alright, getting lost was not fun. Story is alright, the flirting is very camp, but the story did have me hooked for a couple hours. Short 4ish hour game.

Great game, I played as Chris since I love inventory management and a little more challenge. Though I wish it had cutscenes like Jill’s side (I’ll eventually replay it as Jill). Exploring the mansion and memorizing where each corridor leads is part of the fun but requires lots of patience (THOSE DAMN DOOR CUTSCENES!!) running into crimson heads was a wake up call and made me be more considerate of dead bodies and had me replay the whole beginning which I loved. I definitely needed a guide for some parts unfortunately but i still had a blast. would be a 5 if those damn door cutscenes weren’t an issue.

It’s a good game, I found myself focusing on the side activities but then found out there’s not even a trophy for most of the collectibles which makes it feel a little bloated. It also sucks that you unlock collectibles as the story progresses so you’re kinda restricted on how much you can complete. But combat feels badass, exploration is fun especially with shanties, story is decent with some cool characters, and the ship fights are the best part of the game. Some audio bugs and one too many tailing missions. Wish there was more weapon variety like brotherhood too. Top 3 assassins creed though! I would recommend it if you like collecting stuff, easy combat, and parkour.

It’s good. Really underrated, but definitely needs the Kiwami treatment. The story is better than 2 and has very likable characters all around. Only downsides are substories locked behind clunky mini games (I HATE GOLF AND BOWLING) and annoying encounters with lackluster combat. Only yakuza so far that I didn’t do all substories, I’ll eventually come back to do them. Also needs more Majima.