A near perfect conclusion to the series. It did start to drag just a little bit near the end, but my investment with the story and the characters was enough to overcome that. I absolutely loved seeing the characters in a slightly more mature story, with how they handled Drake's struggle to adapt to a 'normal' life and how that struggle affected his relationship with Elen. I also love that it did this without invalidating the happy endings from the previous games. I think why lot's of people were upset about Last of Us 2 is that the first game's ending was essentially undone/perverted by it, which isn't true here. I also absolutely loved how they evolved the gameplay with slightly more 'open' level design and actually interesting stealth mechanics, since the stealth sequences were what I despised the most from the previous game; now I can actually see how Uncharted progressed into The Last of Us style gameplay. Still need to play Lost Legacy before moving on to that series.

A massive step up from SMB1 and 2, the level of polish in Mario's final NES outing is what truly cemented the series' place in gaming history. I would even go so far as to say this is the earliest Mario game that has actually aged well.

This game helped to define one of my favorite game genres. What else can be said; it's one of the all time classics of gaming

Enjoyable puzzles for a while, but the appeal wore off quite a bit before the game ended. Found the 'philosophy 101' writing more pretentious than deep.

Solid sequel to an enjoyable game. Built upon the series in an engaging way.

Very good game, level design was great and it did a good job of doling out new abilities that added new ways to interact with the world. It could be entertaining to go back and replay the levels with these new abilities and/or try to get all of the optional 'honor' points. The storytelling was well done, though the focus was rightfully on the gameplay over the narrative.

Pretty solid overall. I enjoyed a lot of the boss fights, but the regular enemies became repetitive after a while. Most fights 1 on 1 fights felt too easy, and fights against multiple enemies felt too unfair, like there simply was no way to avoid getting hit. Couple that with not the best platforming in the early stages of the game, and a story that is sooooo full of itself despite being nearly the same as bloodborne (from what I've heard; Bloodborne is still on my backlog). Also, there's no NG+ (though devs say it will be added in an update), and the 'post game' locks you out of most of the sidequests and completing the game, which really goes against the metroidvania half of the gameplay.

Good strategy rougelite, with really solid mechanics. I gave it two playthroughs, one loss and one victory. I can definitely see that there's lots of depth to the strategy and builds that I'd love to get into. However, I'd like to try for Spelunky's Hell World in the near future, and I think there's only room for one rogue-like in my life (which I didn't fully realize this game was until I played it). I'd put it slightly bellow Invisible Inc. in the roguelike tier list.

Played Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
Great game, a bit rough around the edges. I can tell that if I had grown up with a playstation instead of being a Nintendo kid, this would be one of my all time favorites