this is the coziest fucking game in existence and i will accept no slander towards it

idk what happens in the story but i sure do like going fast

this game is broken as shit but it's extremely entertaining to run around the open world and see how many people you can kill while your xbox 360 collapses in on itself. the writing also seems fine but im not going to bother actually playing through the game. have spent 2.99 on worse things

ended up dropping this pretty quickly into the main campaign. turbulence and air are just too annoying of gimmicks for me to get past
maybe someday when i'm bored i'll at least play through the main story. at it's core it's not bad

this game was really fun for the first 5 hours and then the rest of the game was like the first 5 hours but again so i didnt like it as much

if you want to play sonic lost world you should probably pick up this version. sonic's general moveset is the same (the homing kick, weird multi-layered homing attack, spindash and ZR to run are still there) but you're given much more freedom and the overall gameplay and level design isn't nearly as dull as what you find in the wii u version

the first actually consistently good 3D sonic game (in my opinion!!!!). the level design and gameplay in both day and night levels are top quality here, and despite being a complete antithesis to the regular go-fast sonic gameplay i find myself enjoying the werehog's braindead beat-em up gameplay combined with somewhat slower paced platforming. gg pc port please

a half-decent attempt to improve on the boost gameplay introduced in unleashed... that ultimately falls flat due to an overabundance of mediocre 2d platforming stages designed solely to waste time, as well as the gimmick this time around being a mixed bag of powerups that range from making sonic literally laser fast to turning him into a cube for more platforming.

somewhat (?) successful attempt to streamline the 6 different gameplay styles of SA1

speed and treasure hunting levels are a big improvement level design and gameplay wise from SA1 but there is a significant dip in quality in the space portion of the game also mechs suck super hard

Heavily carried by the gameplay due to a near-complete lack of story and overall a somewhat short game (provided you aren't going for 100%) but otherwise I think this game deserves all the praise it gets. Modern sonic is just as fun here as he was in unleashed and despite not handling entirely like the genesis classics, classic sonic's level design is also quite good and have the best 2D the series had seen since the 90's

i can't believe the video game the internet spent 15 years shitting on isn't good

first good switch game. when will we get the second one