i'd previously phrased this review as just reviewing 'sonic colors', but i'd prefer to focus on the actual quality of the remaster here: it is... decent. if you are able to i would still recommend just playing through the wii original (with mods, if possible), but otherwise it's just a standard port. improvements are minimal (some 'improvements' actually being debatable) but button remapping is nice. the PC version is epic exclusive and thus will go crazy on you if you use anything besides an xbox controller. the switch version has abysmal loadtimes for what it is and also has noticeable pop-in, both of which weren't present in the original. remixes are hit or miss.

something something rocky transition but genuinely why the fuck did sonic team think the best move for sonic in 3D was to add in 7 entirely unrelated gameplay styles that are nothing alike

janky and unpolished game with 70% not even resembling a sonic game but the actual sonic part is somewhat decent and kinda fun i guess

somewhat (?) successful attempt to streamline the 6 different gameplay styles of SA1

speed and treasure hunting levels are a big improvement level design and gameplay wise from SA1 but there is a significant dip in quality in the space portion of the game also mechs suck super hard


the first actually consistently good 3D sonic game (in my opinion!!!!). the level design and gameplay in both day and night levels are top quality here, and despite being a complete antithesis to the regular go-fast sonic gameplay i find myself enjoying the werehog's braindead beat-em up gameplay combined with somewhat slower paced platforming. gg pc port please

a half-decent attempt to improve on the boost gameplay introduced in unleashed... that ultimately falls flat due to an overabundance of mediocre 2d platforming stages designed solely to waste time, as well as the gimmick this time around being a mixed bag of powerups that range from making sonic literally laser fast to turning him into a cube for more platforming.

Heavily carried by the gameplay due to a near-complete lack of story and overall a somewhat short game (provided you aren't going for 100%) but otherwise I think this game deserves all the praise it gets. Modern sonic is just as fun here as he was in unleashed and despite not handling entirely like the genesis classics, classic sonic's level design is also quite good and have the best 2D the series had seen since the 90's

this game is like therapy and sex in one package containing wreck it ralph and team fortress 2 and danica patrick and the yogscast

how do you follow up the good reception of the gameplay seen in unleashed, colors, and generations? by gutting it out of the engine and implementing a clunky spindash, a weird homing move, adding more platforming and wisps and throwing in some neon colored spiky dudes just to spice things up!
this game is bad. you have to hold a button to make the fast hedgehog go fast. levels are nearly entirely autonomous and when they're not you are suffering.

a decent kart racer on it's own but falls apart pretty much immediately when compared to it's predecessor, with a weak roster of both characters and levels and just overall less fun. also the online does not work lol . if you can find it on sale it's worth a try just to see what you think of it

if you want to play sonic lost world you should probably pick up this version. sonic's general moveset is the same (the homing kick, weird multi-layered homing attack, spindash and ZR to run are still there) but you're given much more freedom and the overall gameplay and level design isn't nearly as dull as what you find in the wii u version

A fun little platformer with writing reminiscent of the show's glory days. Doesn't do anything particularly groundbreaking with the genre and could've definitely used some more polish in areas regarding the AI and the camera but overall definitely worth a playthrough.

A very unfortunately mediocre game. I came into it wishing I'd be able to come out saying 'oh this game doesn't deserve the hate it gets' but... no it really does. Essentially a bad 2 hour movie with some of the worst gameplay the Sonic franchise has ever seen spliced in between. Some of the soundtrack here is pretty good, the visuals looks rather pretty when the stages aren't sticking to the palette of orange and brown, and the avatar creator is neat. That's about as much praise as I can give this game. I'd only advise picking it up if you're a hardcore Sonic fan (or want to play with mods!)

sonic cd's level design is focused more around exploration then it's predecessor(s). some very nice environments and music but the game design is boggling. your two choices for finishing the game and getting the good ending are fucking around in stages for 10 minutes trying to find all the generators to get a 'good future', the other is to go through like a typical classic sonic games collecting 50 rings to enter a special stage and collecting the time stones in what are probably the worst designed special stages in the entire series. one of these options is painfully slow, the other is painfully unfun.

main character is mentally insane girl
