Great and enjoyable game. I just remember my old days playing with my father, great old times. So sad that Konami Era just ended so long time ago.

I miss that golden era of the arcades...

A good ride for a 007 game and principally a great homage for the best Bond of all time.

This is certainly the hidden gem that I was most surprised by, learned to love and automatically entered into my favorite games of life.

Obviously, it has some major limitations linked to the gameplay of a JRPG at the time, a rather strange pacing and a greater absence of survival horror parts. However, the setting, the writing of the lines and, above all, the voice acting, which is above average for the console generation, make the game unique and very enjoyable to play.

That said, I recommend that anyone who reads this article or goes to this game's page gives it a go, as it was probably one of the best experiences I've had with a game in years. I felt like I was back when I was just a kid with a PS1 getting started in the world of gaming.

If I someday encounter Iga in the streets I will punch that face until he apologizes to make that last map and the two last bosses.

Jogo atemporal, um dos poucos que joguei com a minha mentalidade de gameplay atual e conseguiu me prender e não sentir que o mesmo era enjoativo. Hall da Fama dos jogos total.

Thank you Kamiya for the best contribution that you have for the world.

Such a late goodbye for you Max...

Probably it was better on release date, but it's a good game itself. You can see so much things that Crystal Dynamics used on 2013 self-titled game and in Rise of.

Definitivamente um Gears. Não sei qual nota valeria pra ele, pois mesmo sendo o ápice em quesito de gameplay o mesmo falha tanto no desenvolver da história e os vilões. Sem falar a motivação do Pai Fenix que fica em aberto e não aprofunda tanto.

If I found you someday Mr. Yoko Taro surely I'll kill you and I will feel the same thing that Caim when he kills the Imperial bastards.

Se fosse da Atlus esse jogo seria aclamado pelo público e crítica.

Torture isn't entertainment, principally when you're the tortured one.