A super powerful story and an improvement over Heavensward even if I don't like the characters quite as much. Love all the worldbuilding and the cool new locations constantly being introduced. Don't think the MMO style gameplay will ever fully click with me but I appreciate the quest variety this time.

Didn't feel like it was a big enough improvement from ARR at first but eventually it really kicked into gear. Lots of super good character writing. MSQ gameplay is still really lacking though.

Only did the story stuff since I was on free trial but like yea that was kind of dogshit

As someone who only played Portable before this its basically an improvement in every way. It trades away a little bit of the vibes to make everything just way more fun. Still one of the best video game stories.

A great 15-20 hour game forced to be 30 hours for no reason. The story, gameplay, structure, everything just gets super repetitive after a while. Had my fun with it though and I love all the new support convos.