guns feel amazing and i understand why it kicked off the boomer shooter revival. but i’ll probably forget everything about it within a month

jank in a lot of ways that don't matter but perfect where it counts.

i dont understand why they felt this had to be a horror game

kinda ugly imo but you have to respect it for having a sense of style at all

i can see what people love about it but i don't have the patience to enjoy it. it's not just the puzzles even the movement is constantly frustrating. maybe i'll try again some day and fall for it

dont worry future club i still love you

it's so good but it's so long but it's so GOOD but it's SO long...

probably one of the best puzzle games out there i just wish i was smart enough to play it

im starting to understand why sonic fans are like that

it starts so strong but it peters out after the first act. at its best you're trying to keep yourself alive and move the story forward under time pressure and trying to balance both is really compelling. but once you establish yourself and you can take your time all of that tension is gone.

i was looking forward to difficult choices around character specialisation but it turns out by the end of the game you'll max everything out so it doesn't really matter. by that point nothing is a challenge for you and you have more resources than you can spend

despite my complaints the writing is incredible throughout and i'm excited to see what they make next

would be amazing if it wasn't a survival game