I feel like as if this game is pretty good if you skip the dialogue and story, definitely not worth looking into, however the gameplay itself as in the battle system and maps is actually pretty good, especially in Chapter 10. One of the best maps I have ever played over all of the Fire Emblem maps I have played.

I would probably only recommend this game to people who aren't story driven and only to people who are more experienced with Fire Emblem's mechanics and gameplay style.

(also the music is a bop??)

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tbh not as good as fes, they removed all of the cutscenes and honestly i just got really bored playing it TT

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Look- I genuinely really, REALLY enjoyed this game, the characters were memorable and the story was really neat; not to mention that the art style, graphics, visuals, and music was honestly amazing, heck even the UI is phenomenal asf

The only thing, now hear me out; the only thing I absolutely despised in this game, in my opinion, was Morgana.
I actually couldn't stand him, I don't know how everyone but Ryuji tolerated that stupid cat for like- 4-5 arcs?? Nah- don't even get me started on the Okumura arc, I'm sure everyone would know by now the shit that goes down between Morgana and Ryuji so I'm not gonna rant about that here.

I've never actually hated a character so much before like Morgana easily swiped the spot of one of my most hated characters like I feel like as if Persona 5 would've been a better game if Morgana didn't exist imo?? I also feel like as if he took away too much of the serious theme circulating around this game.

And I get that the story would be altered so much if Morgana didn't exist but jesus I cannot stand that cat

anyways this game was still really enjoyable to play but i didnt enjoy it as much as persona 4 aghh TT

akechi btw- amazing character arc oh my lord

Definitely one of the better Fire Emblem games out there, not only is it extremely interactive and that it pushes you to complete all of the paths, all of the characters are also extremely 4 dimensional and are filled with so much depth, which is why I am leaning towards giving this game 5 stars. I also have never expected the main story to be so well written, the only flaw of this game is that the protagonist is a silent mc, but that still does not get in the way of enjoying all of the features this game has to offer. The battle system is also very neat, I love how every decision counts and yeah wtf

again, im being biased bc this game was also my childhood and i cry tears when fuckinf dearly beloved plays
oh and i also prefer the classic kingdom hearts which is why the newer games are ranked lower than this lolol

such an underrated coming of age game
this game kept me sane and im extremely surprised that nobody really talks about it

guys im just biased ok i cried tears when this game came out and i still play it almost religiously
my childhood fr

I might be super corny for saying this but this game has genuinely helped me change my perspective on life entirely and truly taught me how to accept myself no matter the flaws that I have within me; this game explores and captures the theme of “slice of life” so well and I definitely recommend playing this game to anyone that likes that kind of genre. The cast is extremely memorable, and sure, there are definitely several flaws in this game, like the cliche tropes and whatnot, but I will ensure you that it has emotionally touched me in many ways, and I don’t think I have ever related to any other characters other than the main cast from Persona 4. This game almost applies to anyone who would like to experience what it would feel like to have an amazing high school experience, while solving a murder along with your group of friends 👍