Big disappointment coming from the last 2 days with a cool concept not executed properly

Best Vr Experience Ive had but was short

alright writing but was great as a free and short game with a surprise release.

Most enjoyable story and online of any mk game

good but TLOU2 is much better but was one of the best games on the ps4 and has a great story with an amazing protagonist.

gameplay was great with an ok story.

best remake with the amazing story of 3 and the visuals and gameplay of 5.

one of my first campaigns i played i really enjoyed but looking back was not very good the gameplay was excellent and had many fun moments with friends in this game

great story and when ubisoft cared about quality but had some flaws

interested to see where this game leads had okay gameplay but felt downgraded

was fun but had many glitches and was very slow in load and common functions

good twist with a fun adventure

great villain and fun gameplay but nothing else