A smaller experience but a great story to cover the time gap for Kiryu from 6 to 7.

I love short indie games that you can complete over a weekend. Jusant has an enjoyable climbing mechanic, very Journey like climb.

All the game needed was a Skiff, good fun :)

Played on XSX.

Thanks to Game Pass, I've been going through and catching up on Xbox One games I've not played. Gears 4 is a new start with a fresh roster of characters and some of the old-timers.

Vampire Survivors is a simple game where you power up your character slowly over time by collecting orbs that are dropped by killed creatures.

Slowly you will reveal more and more secrets from new unlocks, characters & stages.

Just one more try ...

The future of Halo is Open World & this game ties up the Cortana storyline. Looking forward to the next game.

Played on XSX, It's good to be playing Halo again. The gunplay is still very satisfying. The Master Chief/Cortana story continues.


We need more Indian sub-continent games, a nice game with a moving story.

Played on XSX, I enjoyed this a lot, time travel story with a great cast.

Played on my XSX, another great indie game.

I've got a new console in the XSX and am spoilt for choice on what games to enjoy on game pass!

Let's start with a cozy indie game :)

No idea why but I tried this on a whim and enjoyed it. It is a slow resource-processing game that unlocks new items as you open up the map.

We will all eventually reach this ripe old age where you will sit on a bench and remember the days gone. Nice indie puzzle game.

Decent open-world game set in the Harry Potter universe with tons of side content