32 Reviews liked by greenlock


this game has completely ruined my taste in women

And just like the name, RYM 9000 is very reminiscent to RateYourMusic, because just a few moments after using it, your eyes will start to hurt and you'll feel a terrible headache.

An exceptional RPG that should be experienced by anyone who loves games or rpgs or stories or being human

Do it for the working class.

Do it for the wind.

Average K-on fan goes out on a journey to become n°1

I didn't expect much but it's a pretty fun beat them up game with some dumb wii mini games, it doesn't overstays it's welcome and the double down in the lack of sense by the end of the game was the cherry on top of the cake.

love playing it, one of those games i can just sit back and play automatically while just relaxing and listening to music, i really love the gameplay of rocket league, nearing 200 hours now, I JUST WISH I WAS ANY GOOD AT IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The empty, snow-covered New York is a really well-realized setting. It alongside the soundtrack makes for a great, eerie atmosphere. The plot is insane and the characters are pretty cool. Combat is definitely unique but it gets pretty repetitive in the late game. Would’ve been a lot better if they cut most of the museum level.

Fantastic DLC, its so fun to be a boss

keşke yurt odamda oda arkadaşımla bağırış çağırış kavga eden kantinci uykumdan uyandırdığı için benden özür dilemek yerine bu oyundaki roulette hareketlerinden birini yapıp uykuya tekrar soksaydı

This game is very story focused but the gameplay is good enough to keep immersion steady throughout the time you play it. Great start for a great series.



actually felt like i finally accomplished something monumental in my life after deleting this

thing is i bought a drawing tablet to play this and now i draw furry gay porn . growth