Suda 51/Grasshopper Games

This list is includes the games from Suda and Grasshopper. List will continue to update itself "magically" as long as I continue to finish them hopefully

As a sequel to silver case it does have an excellent build up at first with evolving to the fabled "perfect crimeless crime city" but then focuses on becoming complex for the complexity sake? And in the end loses it's meaning for me.

It's unfortunate that if it sticked to "killing the crime" in all of the runtime it could work for me because there is already an awesome aesthetic and crazy atmosphere lies here. Unfortunately most of the story didn't hit for me.

Also it's gameplay also gives me headaches as well. At least not as much as silver case so I can actually understand what the f... I am interacting with
I played a little bit in 3ds but I don't know if I should continue or not, because I read there was an interview (Or Talk? I don't remember honestly) from suda that he is at talks for remastering this game with a publisher. Nothing came from it tho. But still... maybe It's best to not rush it currently. I can wait.

Why is it here then? It's just a "played" placeholder that's all, not a rank. But who knows maybe it will continue to stay? It's hard to know currently. I only played a bit of the first hour. But rest of the games ranked normally
The story of "The past" and how people deal with it with variety of thematicly connected cases.

Even tho I am more of a fan of interconnected mystery games, this game's theme kinda works to connect everything together with scaling up in each case more and more and I love that about it.

Unfortunately gameplay of it gives me constant headaches so because of this it misses the fourth star from me
Played this game with the text translation.

Looking back now, I have to say this game feels super duper dark even compared to Suda's other works. There are so many deaths and dark subjects in this game that none of his games comes close to giving this eerie feeling other than this game. The feeling that... you are dealing with insanity itself and have to face to it something akin to Silent hill even tho this is not a horror game and just a walk sim? Especially the apartment complex mass suicide case... HOLY... MOLY...

But you see, this game fumbles the ending so hard unlike twilight syndrome Investigation's brilliant ending, It felt like a slap in the face from Suda.
And that's where the ghost investigations arrives it's full potential.

Most of the cases are full of stories and characters. Also more balanced when it comes to goofy and serious.

But you see. Not just that. Ending of this game simply superb than any case in the game somehow. Why? Let me say this way, it's the one case where our goofy ghost hunters shine the most when it comes to their strong bonds.

Only problem and that is a big one: no case have an epilogue part, this sucks because you don't see what happens to side characters that get affected from that case... we never see them after the case ends and that's a big waste.
It's weird to put this here because I experienced the game from youtube.

Anyway even if I did, it doesn't change the fact that this game is extremely short(4 hours). So it barely can explore interesting ghost themes until arriving to finish line unfortunately. At least there is some secret alternative dialogues in it so at least... there is some replay value maybe?

Unfortunately when it starts to get interesting it just ends in a damn cliffhanger and not just any cliffhanger. Game literally ends on the cliff with saying to be continue...


1 month ago

flower sun and rain number 1 as always

1 month ago


1 month ago

@PKD2 I havent played much tho, tbh I am not ranking fsr yet. @Moister Affirmative Commander 👍

1 month ago

yeah i remember him talking about a remaster for Flower, Sun and Rain. Its why i haven't started it officially since I want to wait for that version. Hopefully they're working on it. Just cooking slowly for now I guess...

1 month ago

@Detectivefail some people theorize that after shadow of the damned remaster he is gonna do fsr but we will see if it's gonna be real or not

1 month ago

what makes the DS version obsolete? i haven't played the game yet and i'm too scared to google in case there's differences in story lmao

1 month ago

@Triptendo I don't think it's obsolete but ost quality and graphics are obviously less quality in ds. That's why I am not rushing and waiting the remaster

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