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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 21, 2023

First played

October 18, 2023

Platforms Played


The amount of invincibility frames they give you in this game is so fucking amazing. I felt like a fucking god sliding through fuckers and dodging hits. The combat is definitely a step up from Soul Blazer, but it still definitely retains a bit of that (good) jank that lets you fuck enemies up super fast. Unfortunately, I think everything else is quite a step-down. The story is moving at like 200 mph with so many random things being introduced. It's entertaining in a "LOL WTF JUST HAPPENED" sort of way. Like, when you get captured by cannibals and your pig friend has to sacrifice himself I was absolutely losing my shit. The themes carried over here which is nice and definitely make this game worth playing, especially for the ending. Great palette cleanser game before moving on to the main attraction.

Time to check out Terranigma!