"From the moment we enter this world, our purpose in life is to form our own future."

I put off DQ6 for a long time and I really wish that I hadn't. In my opinion, the game goes on too long and a guide is needed for some parts if you don't want to wander around high encounter rate areas for too long. Otherwise, it's a super solid Dragon Quest experience that you'd expect from the series. I absolutely LOVED the ending of this one too. I really didn't expect that shit at all. I didn't finish the post-game content, but I did enough to see the fanservice and they DELIVERED on that front. Overall, it's probably my least favorite of the Zenithian Trilogy but playing this is mandatory if you liked 4 and 5.

"Tell them I'll never forget the time we spent together..."

If it's only Trails in name, why did I stay up until 3 AM finishing the final dungeon?

The Legend of Nayuta is more akin to Gurumin than Trails or even Ys. At least in the sense that you're collecting items in levels you'll use to do simple fetch quests for your small town. The way it POPS OFF toward the middle of the game wasn't something I expected, but I enjoyed it. The style of this game is also fantastic I wish Cold Steel looked like this!!!!

I didn't expect much but came out decently surprised. Bravo, Falcom.

Great game. Amazing for its time! Loved playing against Super Little Goku!

Near unmatched style and presentation for a PS1 title. Parasite Eve boasts a stupid, out-there, and self-serious story paired with an insanely good OST. Combat is surprisingly fun, short, simple, and easy for the time, which makes exploration less of a chore than most JRPGs that came out around this time. If I had any gripes about this game it's the limited inventory space and sometimes confusing intractability.

Basically, Mitochondria Eve makes me feel hot.

"To live life is not to walk through a meadow."

DQ8 is one of my favorites in the series. The game is charming in every regard whether it be story, party members, or NPCs. Being a less linear experience than a lot of the other JRPGs of this era makes the world feel sprawling. Exploration is and always will be a big part of the series and the rewards for going off the beaten path are usually worth it here.

The main issue most people will have with this game is how fucking slow it is. This makes getting the bell to speed up to traversal feel impactful. Unfortunately, the combat animations are still way too long so use speed-up in an emulator.

Revisiting this cast was fucking sweet. I love this group of misfits and their party talk is often hilarious. Their stories are pretty short, but they resonated with me. This is also the only game ever that has Yangus as a character. COR BLIMEY!!!!!!!

Overall, it's one of the best in the series I've played and a gold standard for JRPGs back in the early 2000s.

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Lisa: "...the charming and funny exterior"
-"Naming someone Tardy is charming and funny?"
Lisa: "The Hispanic guy is a truck driver and does construction lmao"

Lisa is a pretty fun game, but the way it handles anything thematically is nothing short of horrendous. I had originally thought this game came out in the early 2000s, but you can imagine my shock when I found out on the brink of 2015.

Making rape jokes in a game when the main crux of the story is attempting to portray the manipulation and rape of a young girl isn't the smartest idea. The way abuse is handled toward the end coming off as "Be just as bad as your abuser... or be the bigger man..." doesn't work when this game is so dead set on portraying Brad as an epic badass who runs over random people with his motorcycle. Brad's father's entire character hinges on the player believing what is basically a "trust me, bro" for what the entire game has seemingly built up to. Assuming it's an act, there is even less reason not to kill him making the moment completely fall flat. I'm not even really sure why the fuck Buddy is so adamant about keeping this guy alive other than the fact the game needed a "tough decision" at this point in the game. This happens for most of its big reveals near the end in an attempt to recontextualize the single montage you get of Brad and Buddy together at the start and it just fucking sucks.

Overall, the game succeeds strictly in its gameplay elements; however, I find it extremely hard to believe that people tote this game as "for adults" when it all feels so juvenile.

"Soul-crushing experience"
Yeah, right.

"Thank you so much, for allowing me to grow to the point where I can feel this way about myself."

The Trails series, on the whole, has always exceeded other JRPGs for me in terms of its character writing. Crimson Sin puts its characters to the forefront so that the overarching narrative from the previous games can take a break, and Falcom knocked it out of the park.

I was already a really big fan of the Solutions Office after Kuro 1, but they just ramped up my love of these guys. Falcom finally fucking remembered that a bigger cast like this needs attention to their relationships and development so that's what Crimson Sin sets out to do. So many characters get scenes where they can just be themselves. I'm still really confused as to why connect events are still limited. I'd highly recommend save scumming and seeing all of them because they are fantastic. I felt a lot of the "lesser" members gained so much through the events of this game as well. Quatre felt like he needed to be elaborated on and the wait most definitely paid off. His struggle to come to terms with his past and his "identity" was extremely mature given the genre's track record with these types of things. Swin and Nadia were two unexpected additions that honestly rounded the cast off super nicely. Nadia gets a lot of time to shine and is especially fantastic with Swin to play off of. While their portion of the story ends up leading to the weakest part of the game (Act 3), their character arcs come to an extremely satisfying conclusion after their introduction in Reverie.

As previously mentioned, Act 3 is the weakest part of the game. It's bloated (still not as bad as Cold Steel) and some of those routes could have been condensed. It may ultimately feel pointless while playing through it, but ends up serving an interesting purpose. This leads to the finale which has THE best boss fight in the series thus far. I hope they can execute something similar to this in the future because it was awesome.

OST is peak as usual, but some tracks feel a bit too similar to the last game. I guess this is to be expected when you're getting the same people to compose tracks for a lot of the same locations, but I feel like they could have mixed it up more. They stepped it up in terms of the placement of some tracks because MAN the first time they played this... shit hit.


"Thank you, Van... For completing my 4spg."

This shit might just have the greatest title screen in video games. This is a definite must-play for JRPG fans and I'm upset at myself for putting it off for so long.

Sabin and Edgar my goats... I kneel.

"He tries to picture his dad's face by looking at his own reflection."

After finishing my 2nd playthrough of DQV there's no way it'll ever leave my top 5 games. This is the perfect Dragon Quest game because of the way it encapsulates exactly what the series is all about: bigass adventures, heartfelt stories, and funny characters. It's such an emotional journey the entire way through it's really hard not to resonate with the story. I was getting choked up AGAIN during this playthrough which I guess goes to show how good the story beats are much of a pussy I am. It's a struggle at some points seeing the most punished fucking protagonist of all time just have to keep going through it. This playthrough didn't take me very long either clocking in at about ~25 hours with very little grinding. I'd easily recommend this game to anyone interested in a 2D Dragon Quest game because it does more than hold up today.

Above all of that, it's a game about LIVING. This is presented in a way that isn't completely shoved down your throat through one of the most masterful uses of a silent protagonist. It turns out, the "Dragon Quest" was our lives this whole time. So, give your parents a call and let them think they raised a "legendary hero" while THEY'RE the real heroes.

"You'll always be my lackey... Ha ha ha! No, you'll always be my dear friend."

I've never seen a game have such little faith in the player to figure things out until now. If you have fun walking back and forth between the same rooms for 30 minutes, then walking upwards, play this game.

At least the characters were funny sometimes.

The story felt personal, concise, and interesting until they decided to add in all this random shit that ends up feeling like padding. Kasuga is an awesome protagonist surrounded by characters that take up way too much screen time for how little interest I have in them. I get that it's supposed to be taking a more traditional JRPG approach, but I fucking hate the execution here. Every boss is a fucking huge damage sponge that you'll just end up using the same moves over and over on. I never felt like my characters were ever that strong in the main story even being at or above the needed level. The job system is somehow eclipsed by both games it was intending to take inspiration from. Change your class at any time to do very slightly different moves! Seriously, what was the thought process here?

This would be justified if there was any story incentive to back this up but it's so FUCKING boring!!!!!! Seriously, this may be a contender for the least interesting main narrative in an RPG I've played. By the middle of the game, it seems like they completely stopped giving a shit about trying to present the story in any meaningful way and just make your characters stand around so they can exposition-dump on you. In most games, I really wouldn't mind or even notice, but these interactions are so fucking lifeless and lacking character that it's insane that the side stories come from the same game. That being said the side content is really good and there's not a single reason to play this game other than that. Unfortunately, that's all it is - side content.

If enjoy bipolar storytelling, tonal whiplash, memes, and think Persona should be in college: you will adore this game.

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"We need to pass the torch."
Well, that's too bad. DING!

The best thing about this game was that they acknowledged that E.E. was the worst nickname ever. Also, this has both Raiden and Liquid so yeah best MGS.

The "Substance" in the title is a play on the fact the game has a lack thereof.

Genes, huh?
LIVE!!! I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!!