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guah finished Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
"From the moment we enter this world, our purpose in life is to form our own future."

I put off DQ6 for a long time and I really wish that I hadn't. In my opinion, the game goes on too long and a guide is needed for some parts if you don't want to wander around high encounter rate areas for too long. Otherwise, it's a super solid Dragon Quest experience that you'd expect from the series. I absolutely LOVED the ending of this one too. I really didn't expect that shit at all. I didn't finish the post-game content, but I did enough to see the fanservice and they DELIVERED on that front. Overall, it's probably my least favorite of the Zenithian Trilogy but playing this is mandatory if you liked 4 and 5.

"Tell them I'll never forget the time we spent together..."

4 days ago

guah abandoned Elden Ring

6 days ago

guah is now playing Elden Ring

8 days ago

guah backloggd Elden Ring

10 days ago

10 days ago

12 days ago

guah reviewed The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails
If it's only Trails in name, why did I stay up until 3 AM finishing the final dungeon?

The Legend of Nayuta is more akin to Gurumin than Trails or even Ys. At least in the sense that you're collecting items in levels you'll use to do simple fetch quests for your small town. The way it POPS OFF toward the middle of the game wasn't something I expected, but I enjoyed it. The style of this game is also fantastic I wish Cold Steel looked like this!!!!

I didn't expect much but came out decently surprised. Bravo, Falcom.

12 days ago

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