The days are so short my ass can not get ANYTHING donešŸ˜­šŸ˜­. When I say I can't even walk across town without it being dark as hell I'm being so fucking serious

If only gay people existed in this gameā€¦

Really fun as a kid, though I havenā€™t played it since.

Soooo nostalgic :,) I still pick it up every once in a while and end up getting sucked into it for a whole week
When I was like 10 Goldie left my town and I cried so hard I vomited. My mom comforted me at the time by telling me I had my siblings and real friends but WHO GAF ABOUT THEM I WANTED GOLDIE!!! Anyway I reminded her of it the other day and she told me ā€œyou cried more then than when your parents got seperated.ā€

Loooved playing this game with my brother on the PS2 and I had no idea it has a remaster now so I'll definitely check it out!!

Justice fight was annoying as hell I kept at it for a good hour and 30 minutes straight. Definitely never even getting to Baiken

Have heard it's not too good compared to others, but it's the one I grew up on (and the only other one I've (very briefly) played is ultimate), so I view it in the best light. To name a few of my favorite parts,,, I looved smash run, playing local wireless with my brother and cousins, and I was always excited about unlocking trophies from other games I played.

I loved this soooo muchšŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ½(I annoyingly somehow missed the Mr sunshine trophy at the very end of the game but it's fine, it gives me a reason to replay!!)

Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each otheršŸ«”


Really enjoyed this! I myself felt like I was sucked into the angler fish (?) display, as the worlds and story both had me hooked, causing me to forget about everything I needed to do and fervently make my way through the whole game in one day (hell, one sitting even). The ending I got was 'memories crannies' which is pretty much the second best-ish, but I was still a little bummed I didn't get the "best" one, though it's fine cause I didn't use any guides. Will definitely replay for the various endings!! Alsoo, I have the Japanese collectors edition with the art book and such :]

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AUGHHHHH. The ending was so beautiful:'(
Felt smart as shit that I guessed ocelot was Adam, but was really shocked to find out HE is the boss and the sorrow's son. Love ocelot's lame ass behavior and gay undertones immensely though, hes so endearing. I like it when he. Meows.

Honestly my favorite version of Minecraft. The tutorial world was so fun to explore and never really got old for me.
Used to play this with split screen for 4 with my 2 cousins and brother. We would even give our younger cousin a control and tell me him he was playing.

The gift that keeps on giving!! Its awesome that achievments are built into the actual game since I played on switch (Nintendo when will you get on that). I think it's quite funny that the first route I went was jumping off the platform just cause I was curious to see if anything would happen.
Some quotes that really got to me: "How they wish to destroy one another. How they wish to control one another. How they both wish to be free. Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen."
"When every path you can walk has been created for you long in advance, death becomes meaningless, making life the same. Do you see now? Do you see that Stanley was already dead from the moment he hit start?"
And literally all of the narrator's dialogue after the fifth button skip but specifically, "Because maybe, Stanley, maybe - if you can hear me, then maybe it means I'm real. Maybe l'm not just a fiction. Was I scared of that all along? Perhaps, yes. Perhaps l've been scared this whole time that if I stop speaking, I'll slip backwards into the silence and be consumed by it. I can't be taken by it, Stanley. I can't lose myself in the stretch of emptiness between you and me.
When you press that button, you're still right there but I know you're so tremendously far away. And in those moments, the emptiness folds itself outward in between the two of us, and I am suspended in its unyielding quietness. I can feel the edges of my reality curdling inward and decaying. I can tell that I am becoming less and less real.
Yet to speak to you now, I am alivel! I am truly and completely here! I am a being, I am someone, I am something! I am being listened to, I am being recognized! The emptiness between us has collapsed, and l feel, right now, like I am not a work of fiction! I feel as though I occupy space in this world again, and I have cast a shadow onto the wall."

This quote changed my life btw "This won't stop until I die. But when die, I want it to hurt. When my friends leave, when I have to let go when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad. I want to lose. I want to get beaten up. I want to hold on until I'm thrown off and everything ends. And you know what? Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. It means I am something, at least... pretty amazing to be something... at least..."