6 reviews liked by guideos

aprendi mais design com esse jogo do que na faculdade

This review was written before the game released

This shit is never gonna get made

É uma ideia incrível e que usa a tecnologia de uma forma bem inovadora. Digo que o jeito mais divertido de jogar é cooperativamente com os amigos no Discord.

At some point in middle school you have to accept your fate and look at polygonal titties

A couple of days ago I penned my thoughts on Mario Kart and its controversial rubber-banding mechanics, and that got me thinking "what game has the most frustrating AI of all?" And that thought led me to the one game that frustrated me enough to damage my computer: not some Sierra adventure game, not lightning dodging in FFX, not Ghost and Goblins... but the unassuming abomination that is MS Hearts.

All they needed to do was have truly random shuffling/dealing, and AIs that played to win. Instead we got heavily scripted dealing (if you have the 4D, you know for sure that the other players will drop the 2D, 3D and the QS) and AIs that collude to prevent you from winning but will happily fall on their sword in order to protect another AI's lead.

I do have one good thing to say about it: it let me rename the three computer players whatever nasty names I wanted. (My favorite was "MSharts"; it made me feel like Shakespeare)