nothing more than brilliant, thank you discord for PUTTing this for free, if you don't like it's cause you suck at the game, which is a fair reason ofc


Simple but a quite fun and addictive game, a pity that apparently it was completely forgotten by developers and you can only run it properly on jurassic smartphones like Moto G2 lmao

For more than half of my life I've been heavily envolved with internet, and, although that sentence wouldn't sound nice for some folks, I absolutely do not mean it in a negative way. As much as I enjoy the real life, my virtual life and lots of its facets helped me to keep going on, it's nearly an impossible task for me to try to imagine what and how I'd be now if it wasn't for all this internet impact. Well, it all began with this game, the first online friends, the strong feeling of belonging to a community, all the vivid memories from that time. <3

It would be quite dull to dissertate about technical details of something I don't play for more than a decade and, obviously, there's some considerable chance that I wouldn't find the game so much appealing if played today, but of course that's a completely pointless assumption, what really matter at all are the memories of my childish excitement and how it paved my path in the virtual ambient. For these factors, Club Penguin gets a highly unquestionable 5/5.

It's true that this game contains flaws (many flaws, one might say) and that a considerable portion of the enjoyment comes from the fact that you're playing with your friends, since public rooms are in fact lame, so picking the maximum rating here is not quite fair, but it provided me sooo much fun in last year that I can't help but give Among Us a high amount of stars, damn, it was absolutely fucking pleasant. A pity that the game already fell in oblivion and is very likely staying there forever, but that's life.