Imagine I gave it 10 stars for the bizarre and wonderful ideas/art but it lost 6 stars for the gameplay being absolute shit-stained, rotten, fetid ass

I mean, it's amazing. Much happier with it than I expected to be. Kept my interest for 2 months of unemployment. The crafting is great, weapon breakability is annoying. Wish it hadn't killed off all the charming elderly characters in the series. Online is balls. Could use more varied villager dialogue like always. Soundtrack is pretty disappointing. The mystery and charm of the Gamecube version will never be recreated but it's ok. I wish we still had some of that nestled coziness, though. The island vibe is my least favorite part. Regardless I love it and it helped me ease into quarantine with something to look forward to every day.

Listen, yeah, incredible work of art that is charming, fun, hilarious and beautiful and a classic for a reason. I got to the point where you have to do complex and dull real estate speculation in order to progress in the plot and will never pick the game up again.

A complete missed opportunity. The decision to make the base mechanics as obtuse as possible to the point of not knowing how to tell if you're hungry ruined what could have been a cool idea. Regardless, I feel the idea of taking something as loaded with profound potential as the evolution of life on Earth and reducing it to a repetitive Spore-like survival game focused only on mankind about the drudgery of basic survival (with TERRIBLE MUSIC) is offensive to the depths of me.

Have nothing but good memories of playing this with a friend. The writing is hilarious and bad though. That native american reservation level...

it was fun for a bit. i was terrible at it.

god.. i bought this because i knew it'd be a fun/dumb irony thing to play for my friends but it was too unplayable to bother

man this was really cute. fun puzzles and extremely satisfying art style.

wanted to like this but very quickly found out this is not my kind of game

almost on par with Portal in terms of satisfying puzzles. even has quite a charming little story. it got too hard and i gave up

ahhh it has a really sweet art style and i like the gimmick but it just got dull after a while. how does this have a sequel?

Mostly rating this five stars to be an asshole but I do fuckin' love this game. It's a maddening experience and you should either commit entirely to finishing all the endings or not really bother (how I fee about Yoko Taro games in general). Gameplay is broken but can still be weirdly satisfying. Score is super cool and unnerving. Characters and story are unhinged. If you like works by weird auteurs then you should check it out.