4 reviews liked by gustavomuguet

The Dark Souls of Platformers; not because it's hard, but because it dares to have the richest lore without shoving it down your throat and establishing a grimdark world of insects with such finesse I hold it to the esteem of devs like DS.
I can't praise this game enough, it so boldly presents a simpl-to-play but difficult to master action platformer style that slowly builds to a truly epic conclusion depending on your choice of ending.
That true final boss had me attempting over and over for more hours than nearly every other final boss I've fought ever.

The best metroidvania, you genuinely feel like you exploring a place (or a kingdom in these case) and not a video game chunks. Combat is simple yet have very high skill ceiling, and every nooks and cranny has something to reward you exploration.

The enemy, and bosses are good, both combat and story wise, its not hard for me but other say it is, the pattern is easy to grasp, memorize, and to time your attack, but fuck that optional boss fight, u know, the one that deal 8 fucking health, unpredictable (he kinda is predictable but, the move is erratic af, my hand hurts, the damage is insane the 4th time) if you know, you know

I said the world is very alive and i mean it, they have their own color scheme, mechanic or gimmicks to each biome, and they connect to one another in very natural way.

Really, really recommended to play or atleast try it

Normally it would have been less than 5, but the fact that this is one of the most enjoyable experiences i've ever had in my gaming life period made Cuphead an unforgettable piece of art... Now let's be honest, the game has its falws and i can summarize them all in one word.. "Random" , some bosses can really get messy and unfair with the screen completely filled with a bunch of things you gotta dodge and at the same time you have to focus on damaging the boss. And if you want examples i can say that the dragon boss fight was really frustrating, the bee was so annoying, The giant robot was veeeeeeery long and unfair, and we can't forget the devil or shall we say "The God of Random".. And Aside from bosses the run and gun stages are an excellent example for how random the game sometimes gets .

Despite all of theses cons i enjoyed cuphead so much that i gave it 5 stars, and i think a big part of my enjoyment comes from the fact that i played it in coop mode which made the game a lot more fun and reduced the amount of rage that comes as a reaction for the unforgiving difficulty.. so if you wanna play Cuphead i recommend playing it in coop mode, cause you always want a second chance.

Jogo incrivelmente incrível, história, personagens, gameplay, gráficos, dublagem, simplesmente tudo. E além de tudo, é um jogo muito barato para a grandiosidade dele.