10 reviews liked by hachiko

A crime that there aren't more reviews. As a kid who couldn't afford new videogames, Nitrome games tided me and my siblings over the long summer months. The music, sprite work, and controls are very nostalgic to me. It does get a bit more chaotic the more levels you play and having a second player might end up being a must have, but still a fave.

I wish I could completely relinquish all knowledge of this and everything connected to it. The Chris-chan of video games.

a product of a masterpiece case study in how anime and lack of outside human contact can completely ruin a human being. really makes you think.



Gambling, Hacks, Crime, Creeps, Exploitation… Those were the days!



xsweetkittenx94 if you're reading this i miss and long for you

dont buy this game i love it so incredibly much but it was made almost entirely by unpaid workers and chucklefish absolutely does not deserve your money

This game is the reason I'm a Marxist today. They could have at least let me keep the shit I bought when I had premium but no, they had to snatch it away. Just me and my puffle in an empty igloo.

possession (1981) for lolicons and i mean that in the absolute most hateful way possible

This game is real good when you don't have someone yapping in your ear how bad it is