6 reviews liked by hbataron

Politics are boring we should be talking about important matters like Sonic 3

no one gets this game like i do, this game was made for me and only me

I like the early hours of the story centered around Ms Marvel but the game being what it is pissed me off too much.
The most fun thing is messing around with Cap and Winter Soldier, just play any other Marvel title that came before it...

Every Donkey Kong Country game is five stars this is the five starsest.

this is my first time playing monster hunter and what an awful game the gameplay is so slow and i can’t keep my character balanced i feel bad for myself to play this garbage



Parece un proyecto de final de carrera de estudiantes que han colado como juego comercial. Se le ven las costuras por todas partes. Bugs y glitches a cascoporro.

Uno puede pensar que lo importante aquí es la historia, pero es sólo una trama digna de película de tarde en la que una mujer con éxito en el trabajo pero fracaso en el amor regresa a su pueblo natal parzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzz...

2 lists liked by hbataron