Pretty damn fun shmup; one of my personal favorites. It's very flashy and fun.

The story mode style of gameplay is...interesting and kinda janky, but it's not bad by any means. It's a pretty fun time.

Solo play is pretty lame, but goofing around with friends to complete missions or make your own fun like racing or jousting with motorcycles is a blast. I only recommend it if you have a friend or two to play this with.

Pretty janky, but really fun and humorous.
Kelda best girl.

An incredibly fun licensed game, quite the rarity. Not only that, but it's basically Ghostbusters 3. It even has the original actors reprising their roles. It's great.

One of the more enjoyable gacha games I've played. Sadly, it was shut down in North America. At least we have a ton of great character artwork and really nice 3D models from this game.

An overall improvement from Star Ocean: Till The End of Time. The story is better, for sure. I'd say the characters and their development is mostly better. The environments look pretty nice and the number of different planets you get to visit is a very welcome change. However, the English voice acting is arguably worse than ever before. Also, the 3D character models in cutscenes can look really off-putting, especially Lymle's.

I love this game and am blinded by nostalgia for it, but I can recognize its flaws, especially in regards to the story and its ramifications on the series as a whole. Even still, I still enjoy it quite a bit, though Peppita's voice makes me want to strangle her.

Pretty damn fun action-RPG that falls a little flat by the end, but still pretty cool.

A game with a lot of heart and ambition but it is so painfully hindered by its budget. I would kill to see this game fully-realized. Dragon's Dogma 2 when??

Also Into Free was such a sick main menu intro and I'm sad the license expired before they could use it in Dark Arisen.

It's pretty all-right. Nothing really bad. It's just really...meh. If you've played either of the previous entries, it's just yet more of the same but with an isekai storyline and some new cute characters. The missions are still pretty short in actual length, the story isn't that interesting, etc etc. Grenades are absolutely abysmal to use though.

A really fun collect-a-thon with some pretty fun boss fights. I actually even 100%'d this before Seal the Deal and Nyakuza Metro came out.

It's really fun! This entire area is such a joy to explore and it really puts your previously honed skills to the test. The new photo mode & stickers are also great.

Not bad, but it was really frustrating at times.
I didn't even bother with the contracts though.

It's awful. The gameplay is janky and clunky as all fuck, there's weird running/superspeed sections, and oh my fucking god some of the English voice acting is absolutely unbearable (Izuna namely)

Just read the wiki for the story if you want the lore, it's not even worth listening to, let alone playing.

This is not worth suffering. Save yourself.