Never porting the game "Elroy" off of this collection is... well.... an "L", "Roy"ally!

Fun as fucking a nasty green crap (really fun)

I vant to zuck your blood! (Realistic untraceable footage of an alien walking around a shopping mall)

Sleep Pillowfort This is Booboo

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Im really gonna do it this time

Noah the Nazi takes this game from a 3.5 down to a 1.5

When you're so sad you dont even cry you just sit on the edge of you bed lookin like this

One of those games I can only play once in my life

Dlc takes this from 3 to 4. Some of the best boss fights in the series, combat feels fluid, wasn't confident enough to do it's own shit though. I don't want a 'member berries slideshow give me cool new shit!