underrated tbh! the day stages are pretty fun and have a really nice sense of speed. the werehog stages are very tedious and un-fun, though.

i'll be honest, i haven't had a proper chance to play this game but i have played it briefly on xenia emulator and i LOVED what i played! these stages are some of the best out of 3d sonic! they're challenging but fun! i'd love to play the whole game one day so i can properly experience the werehog.

this game gave me intense motion sickness. worst sonic game of all time. i couldn't get past labyrinth zone due to how slow and unbearable the lag made it.

not too bad! a massive improvement on the first game! the level design is actually decent and i like the teamwork mechanic!

almost everything about this game sucks. i hate that it's considered sonic the hedgehog 4, i hate the physics, i hate how every single zone is reused and i hate the uninspired level design. it's also ugly and has a bad soundtrack.

actually a really fun game!! the bugs are obviously bad but they're entertaining to me. i didn't experience any bugs that completely broke the game and i love the level design. cutscenes are painfully hilarious.

from what i've played, it's a little better than the first but again, it's buggy and forgettable.

i had a bit of fun with this game but i found it to be quite buggy and forgettable tbh.

one of my favourite sonic games actually!! the gravity control can be very satisfying to use! i'm addicted to this game tbh.

a criminally underrated game!! super fun once you master the difficult gameplay!

an alright racing game. not great but not bad either. very charming and also an amazing soundtrack!

a decent collection of decent games. don't really play it much as i'm not a massive fan of the classic games. drop dash is totally borked in 1, 2 & CD, though which is very disappointing.

absolutely incredible game! amazing level design, amazing gimmicks, amazing controls and i love that mighty and ray are back!

haven't played much of it but it was decent from what i played. may continue it again soon idk. special stages absolutely suck though.

decent game but a bit of a mess at the same time. i also hate the deadly six with a strong passion and the storyline sucks.