5 reviews liked by hiphyena

pretty sad that in this game about cherishing the friendships you have because you have frighteningly little time on this earth that I spent the last 4 in-game months almost exclusively going to the arcade not because I wanted to, but because it was the only thing of value left to do. I love the combat and characters but this game shot itself in the foot by maintaining the pacing from the original.

Turns out that im not smarter than your average slasher teen main, however, i would be a perfect scream queen

If there were two guys on the moon, and one killed the other with a rock, would that be fucked up or what?

Where is the accessibility option to skip Abby's half of the game?

Actually had a lot of fun with this. It just oozes charm and the gameplay is just fun and responsive.
I've never even played the games it's a homage to - like Banjo Kazooie and Mario Galaxy - but maybe I should check those out sometime? I can definitely see the appeal of the genre.