can't say a genuinely interesting concept and artstyle got my teenage self to ever ignore quite how bad something looks and plays (which is like dogshit) for quite as long as this game did

this game isn't even actually bad but the fact that they decided to remaster goldeneye by making it play like call of duty down to the create-a-class with martyrdom makes me feel like utter dogshit

yeah it's kinda shitty but did you ever play this game's multiplayer with your cousin


people will make fun of this for being a flash game and not that the difficulty curve is on crack


could you imagine controlling a man that runs and jumps literally any other way again?

if you can get past the wonky steering it has the f1 theme song in it

there's a playstation 2 port of this game did you know that

i didn't play it anyways this game fucks hard

grand theft auto with base development

this game gets really, really hard half way through

i'm gonna have a fucking seizure

i tend to like women, so i'm giving this a bad rating on principle alone

suprisingly fun in splitscreen if you don't mind how awful it looks