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Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

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Madness: Project Nexus

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Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness

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Kingdom Hearts is a fun game with little things that hold it back personally, but I 100% see why people would give it 5 stars. I know some seem to write off the plot, and while simple, it's still very enjoyable and heartfelt, definitely not bad by any means. A misconception that I had and others might have is in regards to the Disney and Final Fantasy characters. While it could drive some away, I think it should be known that they could have easily replaced any of them with original characters, and the story would play out the same. They're fun cameos, and it's entertaining seeing them react in these new scenarios, and even the characters from movies I haven't seen were still great.

Combat is very fun and is more than just mash X; it can give you plenty of challenges. A complaint I do have though is the camera being a bit close, which can cause things to become disorientating, and you can feel like you're getting hit by things not on screen, but it's something you can easily work past. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but with the Final Mix release, they actually removed the feature to go through your menu with the right analog, and I feel that should have been at the very least an optional control scheme, as using a claw grip when needing to use the menu is really uncomfortable and has messed me up at times. I feel that how fast you unlock abilities / combo strings is a bit slow and that the game could have benefited from giving the player more power faster. 

Overall, it's a great game, making it a must-play. Those who return to this game will be greatly rewarded, as you will have plenty to do and plenty of challenges.

I spent 10 hours doing deliveries not realizing I wasn't even doing story missions. Besides the great story which isn't worth discussing in a review as everyone should just experience it, the game part is actually really fun. Sure you can do deliveries the same way over and over but that's what caused the game to be misunderstood. You're given plenty of toys to play with and anything can be done if you try it and equip yourself for it. I also just want more single-player games with similar "multiplayer" features its legit the coolest thing.

Anyone who likes any Gen 3 game is incredibly nostalgia blinded. One of the worst maps and the worst teams in the series especially after Team Rocket.