29 Reviews liked by imactuallykools

Doki Doki Panic who? We only play Super Mario Bros. 2 in my household!

too alien for the modern american with a short attention span (me)

peak gaming from rapists, for rapists

I just don't understand what this game expects of me. It seems completely impossible to replicate the events of that day as we know them.

Some of the most fun I've ever played in a while. Instant serotonin with a couple of dud levels.

Wasn't a fan of the pyramid levels.


things get terrifying when you cant fucking read japanese and shit is going down man!!!!!!

You die and fart a lot, the story is insane too

literally eaten by my real dog at the time

When Trip answered the door I asked if he had heard the word of god and then he immediately closed the door and the game ended.

Fun game!

This game has NO RIGHT to be this good! For an 80’s video game, it’s complex, fun and challenging, which leads to my first point, this game Is HARD, it gets harder and more challenging each time, your strategy is changing as your only defence becomes just temporary safety until it’s practically useless, as you get faster, the mechanics and enemies get faster and it is so much fun! it’s also replayable, trying to beat my high score is fun and when I do, it’s really satisfying! This game is just pure goodness from so many aspects of its design that I’m surprised it came out in the 80s, this game has aged fantastically And I can’t stop coming back to it! I love this game!

Everybody loves Pac-Man. I had three friends on a couch passing the controller. A timeless game where we all know the rules