7 reviews liked by imjoking

This game was the first in a planned trilogy of games with a story that was meant to parallel the Christian Gospel. The game ends with the protagonist defeated, chained to a wall and left to die in a cliffhanger that was never resolved. Incredible.

Hey, it's that game Sony gave me on the house for letting my data get stolen.

Too many loading screens. Every chracter looks like lifeless plastic. Gun play is good, very nice graphics, but worlds seem boring and lifeless.

"Treats your time as precious" my ass.
The world is pretty I guess idk.

This game feels like it loves the smell of it's own farts. Brain goblins hated this game.

you can tell this is a david cage game.

Mobius has to be staffed entirely by wizards and clairvoyants because they somehow managed to wrangle this DLC entirely into the framework of their already compact game structure. Two back-to-back home runs is a feat many much larger and more well funded studios haven't come anywhere near achieving.