47 Reviews liked by infinity_exe


This game for me was definition of right place and right time. I had just gone to college and didn't know anybody and was feeling lonely. This game about some bros on a roadtrip was very comforting to me. I need to revisit it with the last couple dlc now but at the time it was all I could think about.

Now i see why Kojima is held in such high regard, this 2001 game explores the themes of identity, omnipresent algorithms controlling human thoughts, echo chambers on the internet, fake news, the derivative nature of sequels and the choice between liberty or the greater good of the human race. It's hard to call this game as anything else other than visionary.

The gameplay is pretty good too, it's a direct improvement on Mgs1 in pretty much every sense, it's not super refined or anything but it works for what it tries to do.

P.s. the intro's music is stuck in my brain, it's too good