Fantastic coop game! We knocked it out in just under 2 hours. I just wish there were more levels.

I played this a ton when I was younger. Fun Game Boy game, though the physics are a little floaty for my liking. Sprite lag is pretty bad, but that's not unexpected on the Game Boy. My biggest gripe: getting a mushroom removes your rabbit ears or fire flower powers? Definitely got me a couple times.

What a fantastic Game Boy game. I wish I had had the chance to play this when I was young. Excellent level design, great exploration with levels that change after the first time you complete them. Treasures never felt unfair to collect, and grinding coins was not a chore. The power-ups were fun to use, albeit limited in scope. Bosses could be frustrating, but nothing unfair. Definitely makes me excited to play the rest of the series.

27 years later and this game is definitely showing its age, but it's fun to revisit where it all started. I would definitely recommend skipping the originals for the remakes, but this was a good excuse to pull out the Game Boy again for a pure nostalgia experience.

A nice half hour romp. No abilities means it's just a solid Game Boy platformer, no bells or whistles required.

Well... this game is definitely not as offensive as some other reviews make it out to be. The gameplay is definitely repetitive, and aiming spells felt inaccurate at times, but it was fine I guess? The story is about as basic and bland as you can get, and it's very linear. I don't think there was a single sidequest? Not one I'll be going back to play in the future, I think.

A surprisingly good platformer for the N64. I played this one a bunch as a kid but never got past the first couple levels. Turned out to be a nice little collect-a-thon considering it is a licensed game!

Felt a lot slower paced than previous Kirby games. I think the ability to throw ability stars at enemies to combine powers was an excellent addition to this game.

An interesting take on the gameplay established in Mario World 2. I enjoyed the Star Fox-style branching pathways, although Yoshi's Story simplifies it by letting you choose directly rather than via gameplay decisions. The incentive to gather specific fruit encourages exploration to maximize your score, but by level 5, I found myself just grabbing any fruit to finish the level as quickly as possible. Not sure that this is one I'll revisit in the future, but it was fun, quick play through.

Fantastic classic RPG. A bit disappointing that the partner characters aren't particularly impactful, but the writing, presentation, and gameplay are all fantastic.