DNF?? There's fun to be had, and it is addictive, but it's one-step up from an idle game, and it's not a big enough step for me to continue past a few hours. I left several levels and characters unlocked but felt like I'd seen enough. At the very least, I applaud the solo developer that made a hit.

This is a lot of fun, and I think it does a great job of recreating the feel of a classic PC shooter while feeling modern in cool ways. It can get pretty repetitive, though, especially toward the end. There's some decent traversal mechanics for finding secrets, but the best movement mechanics don't unlock early enough to feel integral to the combat, even in those later levels.

Correction: I originally misused "recency bias" below. It has been corrected to "the serial position effect".
Like the first game, this has so much potential but doesn't quite fulfill its promise. I suspect that the overwhelmingly favorable response to this is due to the serial position effect. The opening is enticing, and the last 45-60 minutes are thrilling. If I were grading on creepy imagery, especially character design, this is an A+. The score is also perfectly unsettling. It's the rest that falls short. The gameplay is a mix of frequent platforming, occasional stealth, and rare action sequences. Sadly, too many are rote and rudimentary. Don't expect a challenge.

The two main protagonists are essentially faceless on purpose, but some more characterization could've helped me care about them. LN2 seemingly isn't meant to convey much of a story, just an eerie feeling, which admittedly it does extremely well.

A really great tiny indie that I'm glad got a sequel that I hope to play soon. Playing in handheld mode on the Switch isn't ideal; a good bit of visual detail gets lost. I'm strongly considering re-playing on PC to give its visuals another look.

I wish some of the controls were tighter. Moving and jumping are a bit awkward, making it easy to knock around fuel tanks inside the ship or accidentally hit buttons I didn't mean to hit. I was hoping for a little more challenge in the vehicle mechanics, but they're still engaging and not over-simplified.

This has some of the quiet charm of other side-scroller puzzle-platform indies like Limbo or Inside, but it certainly has its own appeal.

One of very few games that I've played through more than once, in this case at least 4 times now. The most recent was while reminding myself which iOS game I owned on an iPad I've long neglected. I started M11 on a whim and casually finished it that same day (admittedly, it's not terribly lengthy). The mechanics are some of my favorite ever. They allow for clever puzzle platforming with just enough entropy to be exciting without being frustrating. Only recently did I realize that it doesn't have that many reviews, and even those are just fine and not exactly glowing. I would've sworn is a bit of an indie darling. I suppose it's niche; but still, I was dismayed!

I suspect detractors think it's too long and brutal, and I wouldn't blame anyone for struggling to get all the way through it; but despite sharing those exact feelings frequently throughout, I think it's a masterpiece and an essential experience.

What a great package of games that I wasn't terribly interested in at their release but fell in love with nearly 20 years later. It's been long enough since I played the first two that I can't remember if either of those stood out to me, but I remember liking them about equally as the third, which I just recently finished.

I'm not much of a visual novel fan, but the writing and presentation are quirky and funny enough to make it worth reading lots of text. I do wish some of the puzzle-solving was more prevalent. I'd really love these if they made the investigations and in-court defense a tad more complex.

DNF. A decent effort at a throwback shooter, but it's not very successful overall. Moving around the environment is pretty rote and also confusing a lot of the time. I got lost much more often than I wanted to put up with. The shooting feels great at first, but it gets repetitive real fast. I got stuck on the end of the 2nd of 3 chapters, and I just couldn't bring myself to keep going.