36 reviews liked by iscopeeee

I'm sorry, but far better than Mario kart

My favourite mobile game when I was 9. I loved it back then but looking at it now, WOW everything was locked behind spending money. Loved the mini games though. I used to open the app just to play the minecart, potion-making and EQ dancing games all the time. MEMORISED ALL THE DANCES TOO they are still stims to this day and it haunts me. Let me out.

gender no longer exists for the inklings and the main ink colors on the cover of the game are the nonbinary flag...i see what you're doing Nintendo ;3

My favorite thing on the internet is Homestarrunner.com. I love everything that has come out of it (even Marzipan's Answering Machine!) and am clearly biased in my rating, but I'd argue Peasant's Quest is the most accessible thing The Brothers Chaps ever made for non-fans. Essentially, you don't have to be a fan of Homestar or Strong Bad to enjoy this.

If it wasn't clear from the visuals, Peasant's Quest is a tribute to King's Quest, and it functions quite similarly. It's not terribly long, but not short at all for a Flash game. You can comfortably finish it in an hour or two depending on how thorough you want to be.

It is also absolutely hilarious.

If you're a fan of classic King's Quest, and the idea of a reverent satire appeals to you, check out Peasant's Quest when you've got some free time.


Game Freak should unionize.

This a good game. Crash controls well. When I died it felt like it was my fault and not the game being cheap. The graphics look good on the switch and it runs well. No stuttering or laggy graphics. The game is tough. Like in my opinion really tough. There are a ton of gems to collect that unlock costumes but it sometimes doesn’t feel fun with how difficult it can be and I normally don’t get annoyed at games with a high difficulty curb. If you’ve never played crash it could be a rude awakening but if your a fan of the series hen check it out.

I absolutely loved this game as a child, and I hold it very dear to my heart in the present day. As a young girl who was bullied quite frequently, I found solace in pretty much any monster high related media. The idea of not being "perfect", but still owning your freakiness and making something of your own is a message I deeply needed as a kid, and I think more people need in today's world. Draculaura was and still is my idol. Her style, her personality, everything about her is just something I always wanted to be. Stylish, friendly, a bit spoiled but with a heart of gold. I'm happy to say that everyday I get closer to my ideal self, and every day I feel more and more comfortable in my skin. That's what monster high was all about, loving yourself not "in spite" of your freaky flaws, but loving yourself BECAUSE of your flaws. After all, "everybody turns to look at you, it's not because you're different, it's just because you're scary cool."

Anyways, this game was fun and 8 year old me would likely force you to sit down and play it like 3 times.

Very fun 3d platformer. Gameplay reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy and graphics remind me of Crash Bandicoot. Very well made and worth the money. There is also a lot to collect and a LOT of postgame content to chew on.