Los juegos de Tomb Raider siempre me llenan de emoción. Nuevamente, es descubrir una constante serie de adrenalina y exploración de cuevas. Y bueno fue lo que esperaba y no necesito más.

I just love the warm feelings of talking over a coffee. As I served the first cup of coffee of the night. I got the feeling there was a special moment forming. People started talking their heart out and the most lovely part of it, was that there was a friendship forming trough.

That's how I would describe this visual novel made me feel. I liked the stories, the setting, and it just made me feel in company. Great little game. I loved the game. Not only that, but I want to learn to prepare different type of coffees, but I'm sure that's unrelated.

I was very happy with the way this graphic novel went. Making my own cards, taking care of my own destiny. Although it deals with some heavy topics, it does them with a lot of humanity. Plus, all the characters were a blast to read.
What a wonderful experience.


A little narrative game, from the perspective of a farmer which used to do some deals with the Mafia.
It brings up a lot of emotional talk, about life.

I had to re-play it, and it's still very enjoyable.

I'm probably going to keep playing occasionally, but I think I have played enough to say; It's fun, but it has too much pay-to-play, just like Disney Valley. Which, honestly, for me is a very hard wall to pass. It's way more expensive than just buying a game.


I bought this game randomly a long time ago, because I was gifted the sequel. It's a 2D slash fighting game, and it's very intense. It's fun. The story it's a little too Tarantino, reminds me to Kill Bill. And pretty macho, macho. So It's quite questionable. The platforming it's also somewhat clunky.

“Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt”

The Bioshock franchise mark a big part of my gaming experience. I went back, to re-experience this story.
It's still fun to play. I've changed a lot on how I feel about redemption and regrets. But I still think it's a gripping tale to play. Big fan of Elizabeth.

I was swimming around my memories and I feel the return to Rapture in this DLC's is pretty good. Still a big fan of Elizabeth.

Continuing after that shocking ending of Bioshock Infinite, we get in the middle of the downfall of Rapture. Now in a fantastic detective noir type story, we try to find the disappearance of a little girl and why in the hell is booker under the sea.

Adding to the story of the Infinite game and as well a little more detail to Bioshock. Dewitt's have a very tragic life.
This time we play as Elizabeth, which finds herself right in the middle of a war on Rapture, with only bad deals around her.

Honestly, as much as I like this, I wish they had connected a bit better the storylines as with almost any prequel sequels, they added so much stuff that didn't exist on the original game and it just feels a bit odd. I try to ignore it, tho.