Story starts to become convoluted and silly. Still enjoyed it a lot.

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I enjoyed this game up until midway through it when you realize there is no good ending and all your efforts are in vain.

Japanese horror stories have historically always been this way. There's some spirit that is angry for some reason, and you can do everything you can think of to soothe the spirit, but it will never be soothed. You can't exorcise it, you can't avenge it, you can't redeem it. It's just some evil entity that will never stop.

I really hate these types of stories, and it's basically true for all Japanese horror.

Game was enjoyable if it weren't for that.

Removed all the core RPG mechanics, skills don't affect dialogue, intelligence only affects experience gain, dialogue success is a dice roll, charisma increases odds of those dialogue dice rolls. Not a bad game, but a terrible Fallout game.

The only Tales game I really have fond memories of. Very memorable soundtrack. I still prefer this 2D combat to the 3D action combat of modern Tales games. Never beat it, but I've gotten close a few times.

I've heard the original games are better for various reasons, but these remakes are simply awful. Convoluted and uninteresting.

I wrote a more thoughtful review but accidentally deleted it.

Long story short - I don't like the way this game makes you get invested in multiple characters' stories totally independent of the other characters. It's like playing multiple different single player games at the same time. It's mentally exhausting.

Octopath Traveler 1 also had this problem.

I will try to do some single-character runs eventually. Might suit me better.

Despite being told by everyone how amazing this game is and how groundbreaking it is, playing it in retrospect is pretty difficult. It has all the problems of the other Dragon Warrior tiles on the NES (terrible story, progression), but it kind of pioneers the whole job system that would later go on to be used to great success in Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy V.

I really can't recommend playing this one when those other 2 games exist, though. Especially Final Fantasy V, which is just an objectively better use of your time.

I've heard the original games are better for various reasons, but these remakes are simply awful. Convoluted and uninteresting.

Premise is terrible, writing is terrible, honestly unbearably stupid. I turned it off after my mom who is younger than me cause all babies get put in a closet dimension where they age to adult hood in a day got killed and I turned into a dragon.

Also I gather you can give birth to children who also age to adulthood in a day that you can then sexualize. Which is some next-level degenerate shit. The fuck is wrong with you people?

Premise is terrible, writing is terrible, honestly unbearably stupid. I turned it off after my mom who is younger than me cause all babies get put in a closet dimension where they age to adult hood in a day got killed and I turned into a dragon.

Also I gather you can give birth to children who also age to adulthood in a day that you can then sexualize. Which is some next-level degenerate shit. The fuck is wrong with you people?

Simply one of the best strategy RPGs made in the last decade.

It offers a Paper Mario-style quick-time event system for buffing actions in combat that you can opt out of if you want due to its amazing accessibility options.

I have a lot to say about Ikenfell, but it requires more consideration than I can give it right now.

This is the best Experience Inc. RPG experience to date. Possibly with the exception of Ray Gigant, which has a lot of unique systems going on that separate it from pretty much all the other Experience Inc. games.

I have a lot to say about this game, but no time to say it right now.