The more I played this, the dumber the story got. I somehow got to the very end, but couldn't bring myself to beat it.

Some of the worst writing ever. Combat is enjoyable, as usual.

As far as I'm concerned, DWM is the best monster trainer game of its era. It's also probably the only title in the entire Game Boy library that I would spend time playing.

Embarrassingly bad attempt in all regards.

The visual novel elements are a joke due to the pathetic writing, with most of the sequences just being a repeat of the same conversation. But I guess they really need you to know that one character is a dick to his digimon, or that other character is mentally ill. I mean, how can you tell if they don't show you that 50k times in a row?

The SRPG elements are whatever. It offers no difficulty whatsoever, and later battles are honestly just annoyingly time consuming. Capturing digimon is not enjoyable at all.

I played for about 15 hours before realizing I was being insulted and put it on the shelf.

You also can't get the true ending without playing twice, so the devs can fuck off.

Story is disappointing. Not much more to say.

Though The Legend of Dragoon is one of my favorite JRPGs of all time, it hasn't aged well. In fact, it's not that it hasn't aged well... I don't think it was ever particularly great.

Combat is great, story is terrible, writing is bad in general. Characters are mostly good.

Amazing turn-based RPG with Gunbound (or Worms)-style weapon aiming and bullet ricochet. I can't recommend this game enough.

One of the best From Soft games ever made. In my opinion, the best.

Enjoyed it a lot, but I don't plan to finish it.

Playing this as an adult was a very sad experience. The story is too stupid to overlook, and the presentation is strangely cinematic to the point of seeming experimental. I really felt like this game was partly an attempt at making a movie.

Regardless, it's totally unenjoyable beyond the first few hours. Once the novelty of the combat wears off, the only thing carrying your interest is going to be the narrative, and the narrative is like a scifi novel written by a 12 year old.

Simply one of the best games ever made. From the top-notch writing, to the absolutely amazing music.

Very cool game that I am not good enough at to get a good ending. Legit spent like 8 hours playing and got the worst ending. Very sad.

A timeless classic. I've probably replayed Chrono Trigger from beginning to end 5~ times in my life, though I've started countless runs.

I can't give this title as good of a rating as FES on the PS2 strictly because of the lack of environments to explore. While you don't miss out on much, you do miss out on the atmosphere, and as such I just can't enjoy it as much as I enjoy the original.