Really fun little game, liked this one a lot

I love this game.

I put 224 hours into it in the months immediately following release, just playing it without objective. I came back to it 5 years later to get my Platinum, and spent another 200 hours grinding for it. Most of the time that kind of grind makes me hate the game by the end. Not so with RDR2. There are definitely things I don't love about this game. How slow everything feels. How much you have to grind. How particularly unfair the Gambler challenges are. But all of the little things that bother me pale in comparison to what I love about the game: its amazing story, and completely jaw-dropping immersive world.

Story went over my head, but the gameplay in this one was fun and kept me engaged. I did get a little tired of it towards the end (especially grinding out the 100 utility points for the platinum), but I'd still recommend for the fun gameplay mechanics. There's also some really cool level design packaged in here, like the Ashtray Maze level.

Came back for my Survivor+ playthrough trophy. Still holds up well even after almost 10 years, but definitely made me appreciate the Part I remaster!

I wanted to like this game more than I did.

I liked the graphics and combat system by the end, but I hated the combat for the first couple of hours until I got used to it. Not a huge Star Wars guy, but the story was satisfying enough. It would have been nice to add in the ability to skip cutscenes.

I absolutely hated the holomap design and backtracking for collectibles at the end. Going for the platinum was grueling because of the awful maps, ridiculous level design, and lack of fast travel (with all the meditation points - why no fast travel?).

Overall, a decent game with nice graphics and good story. Tons of room for quality of life improvements, hope to see those in the sequel.

My first Grounded play through. Every aspect of this game is amazing. I love the combat in this game so much, and the level design in Part II is incredible.

I just wish I didn't have to feel so much pain from the story every time I replay (still love it though).

Very cool game concept, but clunky controls can make it punishing sometimes. Especially hated the final colossus.

I have to give it a low rating because this game frustrated me so much with its controls and camera, even though I recognize it is a landmark of gaming.

Fluid gameplay, but story and open world aspects were just OK.