Quality = 3 / 5
Gameplay = 3 / 5
Story = 2.5 / 5
Soundtrack = 4 / 5
Pacing = 3 / 5
Enjoyability = 3 / 5
Challenge = 1 / 5

Overall = 2.8 / 5

An interactive Batman story is something I didn't know I wanted.

I was never really too interested in Iron Man until playing this game, then I wanted to be Iron Man.

A pretty good addition to the Uncharted franchise, but I missed my boy Nathan Drake

This game did not lie when they said you will feel like an action hero.

The first Quantic Dream game I played, and I loved it - I JUST LOVE INTERACTIVE STORIES!

Always a fun time whenever I decide to play it

The first mission was in London... need I say more?

A great follow up to the first game, came extremely close to Miles becoming my favourite Spider-Man

A beautiful story that is improved by being able to experience it in the world of the character

The Walking Dead walked so Minecraft: Story Mode could run, don't @ me

Love interactive games, love Quantic Dream, love hearing my name in a game... 5 stars.