49 reviews liked by jeff_andonuts

Alright alright so I just came from beating the game for the first time and I just decided to write a review for it already, not even time to get thoughts together. So let's just go ahead already.

Touhou is a franchise that I've had interest in for quite some time. The characters always intrigued me and the music especially sounded great. I've dabbled in some of the games, but only casually and having my fun with them before leaving to do something else. This time however I wanted to dedicate myself to finally at least beating one (There was that one time where I got through this one on easy mode, but come on now. It's easy mode .). Well here we are. After a good amount of tries, I finally beat a Touhou game, and it may honestly be one of the most satisfying things I've done in a video game. I felt my heart beating and I was scared but with enough focus I was able to beat the last stage. But anyways that's enough of my personal experience, what about the actual game?

The game itself is probably the most iconic one in the series. It's the first Windows game which basically means it's the first modern one over the PC-98 games. It's got the most iconic set of characters too, and same goes for the music. As a shooter though, and I know I haven't played many, let alone try to beat them, but I really loved my time with this game. I love the learning curve of trying to dodge stuff that seemed impossible to do when you saw someone in a video play the game. The game progresses with a really good flow, allowing you to adapt to it's growing difficulty. The bombs can be used as screen nukes to get rid of everything for a second so you can realign your shots or save your skin from death. Just know that it's ok to use these regularly since they come as a set with every life. One flaw with this game that gets fixed later down the road (It's the next game I think), is that you can't see your hitbox. Now in order to help you dodge everything on screen, your hitbox is a very tiny circle that's at like the center of your character. As long as nothing touches that circle, then you're good. However this game unfortunately doesn't teach you that so you'll probably be panicking for a minute until you exactly understand how the hitbox works.

I just wanna say that my hands still feel shaky after beating the game and I honestly don't know what I'm doing reviewing the game NOW, but hey I guess I just had to get it off my chest. I guess if you wanna get into the series, this probably ain't the one. I've heard people say 7 and 8 are better choices, but as it's own game, this was still very enjoyable.

What really gets me about Drakengard is the looping fragments of dissonant orchestral music, which accompany its senseless and endless battles of attrition-against-the-player. A game to be endured. Deeply respect it, but I'd be lying if I said I plan on beating it.

This is PC gaming to me. I don't care about running the latest triple-a game at 4k or whatever. This is a computer game. This is the real shit.

Toughest enemy in this game is the Inventory.

I have just finished Nocturne and now I'm looking at the TV, thinking... why the fuck did I love this game?

It's like the game was developed to make you suffer and feel miserable... yet... I just loved it!

But still, the question lingers. Why did I love SMT3? There are so many bad things in its design! It's just filled with little to major flaws that prevents me from loving it even more.

For starters, the environments may seem pretty at first, but the repetition will get to you and it will feel dull. It's as if they made it on purpose. Claustrophobia is a thing in the Vortex World. Negotiating with demons is a pain the ass and the game doesn't even explain it to you. In fact, Nocturne wastes no time in explaining anything. The only reason I got through the game's mechanics without looking for a guide is because this is not my first SMT game.

And what about the dungeon maps? They're terrible! Again, was it bad design or is the humdrum on purpose? Why not include a mini-map? Why is the encounter rate so goddamn high? Did the Labyrinth of Amala need to be THAT gigantic and confusing? Was it a necessity to make the final dungeon in the game so frustating and clueless? The puzzles are good, but did EVERY dungeon need one?

And don't even get me started on the difficulty! Look, I get it, it's part of the experience and it's in the series' DNA. But SMT3's difficulty is just absurd. Even normal enemies are ruthless! Was it part of its design to make it extremely unbalanced and inaccessible? I see no necessity for it. And yes, there's that newly added Merciful difficult, but that just turns it into a joke. It makes Pokémon Let's Go Evee look difficult!

But even after pointing out a few of SMT3's many flaws, why do I still love it so much? Why did I have so much fun with it?

Maybe it was the character's design. Every single character, from demon to manikin, they're just VERY well done. Or maybe it's the press turn battle system that just refuses to be boring. Was it Nocturne's thought-provoking intricate writing and social/religious themes that kept me hooked? The minimalistic nature of the game's story and gameplay just hides away a mountain of depth, right?

It was probably the addictive mechanic of collecting and fusing demons. Maybe the oppressive and lonely atmosphere just talked to me, you know? I mean, the story is immersive and every single ending seems solid enough. Or was it the boss fights that kept me pumped? And I didn't even mention how PERFECT the soundtrack is. I could spend days listening to SMT3's ost and I wouldn't get tired of it.

In the end, I do not know why this game is so lovely. It is unnecessarily painful, but I just keep coming back to it.

I wouldn't recommend it, though. Unless you really wanna do it...

there's something extremely fascinating about the thought that the PC-98 hardware was bringing ZUN down because this game is downright beautiful.

never mind some of the spell cards being highly difficult and a bit random, there's a spectacle to be had here and i think ZUN feels and think more about art while making these games than the average person will in their entire lives, including some other game makers.

I don't think I could actually judge this game fairly if my life depended on it.

watched a girl I really love play this so now it makes me happy to think about, shoutout to lesbians

Words fall utterly short of describing what this game means to me. It is, without a doubt in my mind, among the pinnacle of what this medium has to offer.

It's not for everyone - I've known people to bounce off of it - but it is such a beautiful, singular experience that everyone, whether or not you typically like this kind of game, owes it to themselves to play it.

Definitely my favourite 99 game, it's so much fun to play and F-Zero works perfectly with the 99 formula!

In contrast to the other 99 games, this one makes you feel accomplished, even if you lose, because of the rival mechanic. Very intellegently designed.

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